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Company Profiles

The Farm Agents Council events and engagement would not be possible without the support of our Company Partners.  The FAC Board wanted an opportunity to highlight the companies who do so much for our group.  We have reached out to all our company partners to complete a profile, and will be featuring of them in each newsletter. Click the logo below to go directly to that company's profile. Additional profiles will be added periodically.


Scott W. Miller, AVP - Sales

10 West 106th Street

PO Box 527

Indianapolis, IN: 46206

Ph: 317-848-8623



Social Media:

Facebook: @indianafarmersinsurance   LinkedIn:  yes

Twitter: yes 

Percent of business written through Independent Agents:



% of Split Business:


(Written Premium $251,000,000 total)
Commercial Lines: 28% 
Personal Lines: 56%
Specialty: 14%


Number of Agencies in Illinois:

10 Contracts - 30+ Locations


Do you focus your underwriting in any specific industry? Commercial/Farm


Do you focus your underwriting in any specific line of coverage? Commercial/Farm


What do you see as the largest threat to IA system/channel? Various,  aging workforce, agency perpetuation 


What commission percentage do you pay?

Personal Lines          
Auto    15%    
Home    17.5%    
Umbrella    15%    
Specialty Lines    Depends    
Commercial Lines
BOP    20%
Package    20%
Property    20%
GL    20%
Auto    15%
Workers’ Comp    10%
Umbrella    15%


What is your business plan for Illinois regarding projected growth in premium?
100% plus growth in 2020 in WP in the state. We entered Illinois in 2019.


What products and/or industries do you plan to target?


Any new distribution methods planned for introduction?


What is your plan for agency appointments in Illinois? Grow/reduce/maintain?


Do you plan to extend into any new geographic areas in Illinois?
Not in 2020


Is your company currently utilizing a real-time multiple company rating system to interact with agency management systems or comparative raters?
Yes, Insuresoft product – Diamond. We have rating interfaces we built in front of it to assist with rating.


Please describe the agency that best matches your company business model (i.e. size of agency, geographic area, agency experience, premium volume required, etc.): 
We have great success with smaller rural operations as well as large urban operations. Given the diversity of our products we have agencies who have over $500M in written premium down to agencies with less than $1M. We are able to carve out our place in most agencies. 


What concerns, changes, or challenges does your company face now and in the future?
Changing consumers, self driving cars, technology demands, complexity of rating and big data, ageing agency workforce, (and many more) 


What is your single most important item, service or initiative that the IIA of IL can offer you?  
I expect you to support the interests of Independent agents and also to listen to your carrier partners when there are areas where the agents and carriers may not be in alignment. 


Larry Cook

312 North Main Street
Mount Carroll, IL 61053
Ph: 217-732-8222
Social Media:

Percent of business written through Independent Agents:



% of Split Business:
    Personal Lines: HO/DF - 40%
    Farm: 60%


Number of Agencies in Illinois:

130 Contracts accessed by 200 locations


Do you focus your underwriting in any specific industry? Agriculture


Do you focus your underwriting in any specific line of coverage? Farm Lines


What do you see as the largest threat to IA system/channel?

Ever increasing volume commitments and automation costs.


What commission percentage do you pay?


What is your business plan for Illinois regarding projected growth in premium?
4% projection growth in 2020


What products and/or industries do you plan to target?
Continued focus on competitive farm property/liability products, along with flexible home and rental dwelling programs.


Any new distribution methods planned for introduction?


What is your plan for agency appointments in Illinois? Grow/reduce/maintain?
Moderate Growth


Do you plan to extend into any new geographic areas in Illinois?
No, company is writing statewide.


Is your company currently utilizing a real-time multiple company rating system to interact with agency management systems or comparative raters?

No, research is underway for agency download.


What type of training is offered to your agents for both products and sale?
Underwriters are available by phone and occasionally in person to assis agents with website, products, and underwriting.


Please describe the agency that best matches your company business model (i.e. size of agency, geographic area, agency experience, premium volume required, etc.): 
Frontier-Mt. Carroll agencies are generally smaller to medium size with a focus in the ag market. Recently, the company has developed relationships with larger agencies with producers focused in rural home and farm markets. 


What concerns, changes, or challenges does your company face now and in the future?

Increasing size and complexity of our farm policyholders cause the company to continually evaluate additional products/services for this critical market of our company.

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